May 01, 2009

Listening to Coach

"Exhausted" would accurately describe how I feel at the present moment...after five hours of swim time trials, forty-one races, high adrenaline, and stiff competition, sleep sounds quite appealing. Problem is, I wasn't even the one swimming.

One of my great joys in life is coaching swimming. I absolutely love every one of "my kids." (though some are but six years younger than myself) Love the diversity of our team; what each one brings to the pool and to my life. From all over the globe...Australia, Egypt, Netherlands, USA, South Korea, Italy, Palestine, England, South Africa, and more...each is unique. From Hodder's humor, Leila's laugh, Morucci's encouragement, to Salma's wonderful sarcasm, they brighten each day! They are truly my friends.

Each day in practice, they hear my voice
...probably more than they wish. But, the simple fact is this. They know it. Very well! It's distinct, loud, and my words are predictable. "Tighten up. Streamline. Kick! Core rotations. Attack the wall!! Watch your hand-entry."

But come meet day, with adrenaline pumping, the passion of the parents and crowd, and the distractions of the day, it's easy for my voice to be lost in the chaos of the moment. But prior to the start of the meet, I often draw swimmers aside from the commotion and say, "Listen for my voice only...remember the things I've told you." For this to happen, they must fade out the other distractions and tune in to only one frequency. Coach Nate.

We live in a chaotic world.
Everything is seeking to grasp our attention and time. Work. Money. Family. Entertainment. Friends. Politics. Conflict. Relationships. Fear. How easy it is to be distracted from our purpose and passion in order to pursue the good while sacrificing the excellent.

How often I claim to struggle to hear the voice of God! Could it be that my life is simply too loud? Could it be I fail to tune out the distractions around me and neglect to take the time to listen to His voice? Jesus reminds us in John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me." Of one thing I am convinced. God is not the one failing to communicate. It's me...failing to listen.

To identify a counterfeit bill, you don't have to study all the fakes. Just know the real. My swimmers do not need to know all the voices in the crowd to know which is mine. They know me. Likewise, I must know the voice of Jesus in this world if I wish to follow Him. The voice of the one who says, "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35)

No surprise this world has trouble recognizing followers of Jesus since so few seem to actually learn His voice, let alone, listen to His voice.
We will only know His voice if we choose to pursue a deep relationship with Him AND fade out the voices of this world with it's hatred, revenge, selfishness, and pride. To know His words, His character, His love. Takes time, commitment, and sacrifice.

"On the blocks...take your mark." [buzzer sounds] The race is off...screaming people, splashing water, horns honking...who are you listening to?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder - it came at the perfect time! It is so easy to get distracted and focus on the wrong things so it's always nice to be reminded of the truly important things in life! Hope you are well & talk to you soon!

