January 10, 2010

Golf, Pyramids, & Perspective

With Giza's Pyramids towering in the background, I lined up my putt for birdie on the par-five nine. Despite the uneven greens, trash scattered in the rough, random moisture collections on the fairways, and the presence of history itself on this nineteenth-century, Egyptian golf course, my concentration was zeroed in on the thirteen-foot putt at hand. (A putt I miserably misread on a fast green!)

Founded in 1899, the Mena House Oberoi Golf Course is Egypt's oldest and one of the more unique courses on our planet.
Only yards from the Great Pyramids of Giza, the view is spectacular and history itself becomes part of the game.

As my friend Bobby and I finished our round of nine and headed for the clubhouse, my thoughts wandered back to the bigger picture. Despite having had the privilege of golfing in the shadow of the Great Pyramids, my attention had been focused on a small, dimpled golf ball and the objective of putting it into a cup four hundred yards away. How easy in this life to be so focused on our pursuits, distractions, addictions, struggles, and conflicts that we lose sight of the big picture!

Is life just about "our game" or are we part of a
much larger story? One bigger than ourselves? Is this vapor called "life" just about living and then dying and that's it? Somehow, I find this difficult to believe when I see the investment our Creator put into forming the world around us, breathing life into organisms, and creating "in His image" the amazing people I interact with on a daily basis. (Genesis 1:27) Psalm 139 describes God careful design. "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb." (v13) It goes on to say "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" (v17) You aren't a mistake or some haphazard invention. Rather, you are part of a plan. A master plan. A masterpiece.

I believe the Bible to be true when it says that we have been created
"for the pleasure" of God. (Revelation 4:11) This word "pleasure" indicates a desire on God's part for a relationship with us... for us to enjoy His presence and worship Him for who He is: God. From the beginning with Adam and Eve, God walked and talked with them in the Garden of Eden. As sin/evil entered and broke the intimacy of their relationship, God’s story is one of sacrifice, love and redemption. One of God giving His best (Jesus) out of love to buy us back from the grasp of this world that has blinded us from the reality of our existence. But like any good relationship, it's a choice. God doesn't force His love. He offers it. Freedom to accept His love, freedom to reject it.

Life is the test. The opportunity. The choice. All the hardships, disappointments, blessings, and joys are
a chance to see His story. I think we sometimes make the mistake of turning the focus inward. It's not about putting God into our life's plans. It's about putting our life into God's plan. When the Lord appeared to Joshua, Joshua asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” The Lord replied, “No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” (Joshua 5:13-14) He doesn't want to be a part of our life. He wants our life. He wants to be our life. (Colossians 3:3)

Though I managed to save par on nine, a greater perspective grabbed my attention that day. Don't miss the big picture! Whether it's the Pyramids overshadowing your putt or God's love inundating your life,
there's more than meets the eye.

Don't miss it!

(A great summary of God's story can be found here: "Your Story" www.one-god-one-message.com)


  1. Very apt reminder. Something I know I need to be reminded of.

  2. Thanks for including us in your Giza golf outing. I didn't know there was such a place. I only recall seeing one huge sand trap! I especially like the lines: "It's not about putting God into our life's plans. It's about putting our life into God's plan. ... He doesn't want to be a part of our life. ... He wants to be our life."
